Garden Therapy

Last weekend we got in some much needed garden therapy.

A few months back, we’d pulled out all of the shrubs and dwarf palms that were haphazardly planted in the beds in front of our new house. We’d also added some retaining wall blocks for more definition between the beds and the lawn. We transplanted some of our succulents in one of the flower beds but before we could do anything with the other side, the 100 degree-plus summer temps came in with a vengeance – not the ideal weather to be doing any manual labor in … if one doesn’t have to.

So this time around, we tackled that second flower bed. Again, transplanting more of our succulents (and there are many) and re-potting others. Aaaand as a nod to the official start of Fall, we tried our hand at planting some garden Mums. (Wish me luck because I seem to only be able to keep succulents alive.)

The project proved to be a real work out … moving a ton of heavy decorative garden rocks and stones along with all the digging in order to even out the bed. I’m not one for manual labor or working out (ha!) but I was rewarded with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment once the labor came to an end. Not to mention … it looks so purrrrrdy.

As I said, we removed all of the previous owner’s idea of landscaping that seemed as though it had been neglected. Cleaned it all up and tailored it to our liking (which does not include dwarf palms). I’m feeling pretty satisfied with how it’s turned out.

I just love a good before and after …

As for this weekend, well … I’ve traded my garden gloves and worker bee mentality for the couch, a Kindle, and the HGTV channel.

Happy Sunday everyone!

Simply Succulent

There are people in this world who can talk to a plant or just walk by it and it brings forth the most beautiful foliage and blooms you ever did see. In fact, I know one such person – my mother-in-law. She’s amazing! I’ve seen her take an orchid, reduced to just the leaves and a couple sticks with one shriveled up flower left, that someone discarded into the trash can … only to re-pot it, love it, and watch it bloom into the most gigantic, thriving orchid ever!

Then, there are people like … me.

I could walk by a plant and I swear it will shrink back and shrivel up within minutes. Like my mere presence is toxic to plant life. Needless to say – I’ve never possessed the proverbial “green thumb”.

But then one magical day – all that changed. It was the day that I discovered … SUCCULENTS!

It is nearly impossible to kill succulents. That’s not the only reason I love them (though it’s seriously the front-runner of reasons). They are just beautiful. And there are so many different varieties. So many, that I’m beginning to run out room on my porch. This calls for a new, creative approach on where to grow / plant them.


Yeah – I’m feeling like a champ over here with me and my succulents. Though, I am going to challenge myself to once again try my hand at regular flowers as well as some of my favorite veggies (a bitter disappointment of the pas that I wish not to speak of).

So, while everyone else was spending the 4th of July holiday BBQ-ing or poolside – I was planting, re-potting, watering, and relaxing with these beauties …



not a succulent … but my attempt at growing other stuff too


this little bitty is growing thru the wood cover leading to beneath the house!

