Time – Life’s Greatest Investment

From the restaurant window, I watched a man sitting on an outdoor bench. Despite the newer looking shoes and bicycle, his appearance was a little on the scruffy side. Homeless? Perhaps. (It’s a rapidly growing epidemic these days.) If nothing else – maybe just a lonely guy who had zero issues with rummaging through a garbage outside of a bakery / restaurant while people-watching the patrons of said restaurant.

He kept to himself … not approaching anyone. Didn’t ask for food or money. Seemingly content to just sit and watch.

And I watched. Not just him but all of the people who passed him by. No one acknowledging his presence. No one really seeing him. Or at least if they did, they didn’t make the eye contact that could potentially invite the dreaded question, “spare a dollar?”.

Okay look – I’m not judging. I’ve done it. Quickly walk by while intently looking at my phone, pretending not to see the homeless person looking for a buck or two. I also know that you can never really be sure if they’re genuinely in need or if it’s a scam. And there are so many scammers out there. I get it – we work hard for our money and some of these people look to be able-bodied people, capable of hard work too … if they’re so inclined.

But how do you ever know which scenario rings true in each instance?

I began to wonder about the man outside the restaurant. Maybe he was homeless. Maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he was lonely. Maybe he wasn’t. But something about him just stuck with me. I felt stirred in my heart about him … about people in general who I see in need out there on a daily basis.

Like many of you, I’ve given money to those in need – either directly or through a church ministry. I’ve given clothing and have fed those living in the streets. You give as you are led and you give of what you can. Giving is a beautiful thing! But the thought occurred to me …

What if it’s time to take giving to the next step?

If you have money to give … then giving money is easy. If you have a ton of extra clothes to give … then giving clothing is simple. If you have the the means to make food and feed the hungry … then feeding people is uncomplicated. It’s all an investment in people.

But what about the investment of … TIME? Yeah, that one isn’t as easily given up.

What if, in addition to the spare dollar or the free meal … what if I stop to make conversation? Introduce myself. Ask for a name. Shoot the breeze for a minute or two. What if, once the art of monetary giving is mastered, we’re supposed to graduate to the next step … go the extra mile?

Stopping to make conversation with someone, using eye contact and their name – it makes people feel important. Like they matter (because they do). Makes them feel valuable (because the are) … less invisible.

I’ve been struggling with this ever since. Maybe not struggling per se but – definitely rolling it around in the ol’ think tank for a few days.

The gift of time will only cost you … well … time. Time is so valuable and yet so often wasted (I would know). Why not turn it into an investment in the lives of others? Specifically those who society often deems as worthless or less than.

Or maybe this is just what God is working on me with right now … maybe this is just my personal challenge. I’ll tell you what – my nerves go into overdrive at the thought of going up to a complete stranger and just sparking up a random conversation. But for some reason, my spirit it so stirred over this.

So, I’m stepping up to the challenge. Going to take every opportunity to reach out to those whose paths cross with mine … those who are in need of just knowing that they matter … that they are loved.

“Let all that you do be done with love.” – 1 Corinthians 16:14